About the DPP
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The DPP Executive Retreat
12-14 February 2025, Arizona | In person
The DPP In Conversation: Los Angeles
20 Feb 2025 | In person
DPP Advisory Group: March
6 March 2025, 16:30 GMT | Online
All events
The DPP 2025 Predictions
CES 2025: What technology trends mean for the media industry
Leaders' Briefing 2024
All reports
The DPP 2025 Predictions - 5 Key Messages
Media CTO Survey 2024 - 5 Key Charts
The State of Media Technology Security 2024 - 5 Key Charts
All resources
DPP Live Production Exchange
DPP Innovation Showcase
Recommendations & Guidance
CES 2025: Innovation Briefing
Innovation Showcase - Oct 24
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The DPP podcast
What's coming up
The DPP has transferred the role of CEO from Mark Harrison to Rowan de Pomerai, with Mark Harrison now taking the role of Founder and Chief Content Officer.
Jess will work directly with the executive team to lead the DPP’s member success programme, helping member companies to get the most out of the DPP’s activities.
Building on its success as a membership organisation, the DPP has announced plans to become fully self-sufficient.
50 media companies have officially joined the industry leading DPP Committed to Sustainability programme.
Kitplus talk market disruption, consolidation and taking risks with DPP CEO, Mark Harrison.
The DPP Podcast is a brand new resource for DPP members, designed to stimulate conversation and debate about what’s going on in media today.
Our annual predictions, Leaders’ Briefing on demand and everything DPP in under one minute.
Tech Leaders’ Briefing - On Demand, and everything else DPP in under one minute!
At this special RTS event the DPP reflected on the key milestones of the last decade, and the probable trends for the next.
RTS London: 2020 Vision: A view from the DPP
11 November 2020
At this special RTS event the DPP will reflect on the key milestones of the last decade, and the probable trends for the next.
Countdown to the DPP Tech Leaders’ Briefing, catch up with Design for Tomorrow, and everything else DPP in under one minute!
The DPP Tech Leaders’ Briefing returns, more Design for Tomorrow, and another DPP Innovation Week, plus everything else DPP in under one minute!
How to make the cloud work for you, building back better with Key Design Principles, plus everything else DPP in 60 seconds
The move to remote working, building back better and celebrating innovation, plus everything else DPP in 60 seconds
DPP Innovation Week is an opportunity for DPP members to showcase their latest innovations, and for technology users to learn about what's new, without needing to do hours of research.
Dick Hobbs from KitPlus TV interviews DPP MD Mark Harrison, about the background of the DPP, what good operating practices will look like post-pandemic, and the future of AI in media.
Pitch new & exciting products to customers, start to Design for Tomorrow, discover new AI solutions and learn more about IMF for Ads, plus everything else DPP in under one minute!
We've reviewed & updated the DPP Committed to Security programme checklists and guidance
Catch up with DPP events on demand, and get involved in some exciting new research and development projects
Read our two latest reports on Supply Chain and supplying to VOD. And find out how the industry is coping in lockdown.
Our COVID-19 webcast on demand, our 5th birthday, plus a new research project!
Five years ago today the DPP was born. And it's been growing ever since. Join us in celebrating our birthday!
Like every other business, we’re having to rethink how the DPP will operate in the months ahead. Here are a few things we thought you might like to know.
A new look, a new website, and all the latest news in a monthly digest from the DPP
Last year, at our flagship Tech Leaders’ Briefing conference, we launched the DPP Committed to Sustainability Programme.
The DPP has today announced it will become a new entity, Digital Production Partnership Ltd (DPP Ltd), from 1 April.
The UK’s major public service broadcasters have signed up to the Digital Production Partnership (DPP).
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